Household Automations

What Is It?

With my household automations, I support families who feel like there’s not enough time in the day to do all the things they want. I create custom solutions to your specific problems that give you the freedom to spend your time on more important things.

I will make a custom program to take care of those digital tasks that seem to eat up your valuable time. If you want to reclaim your time from digital tasks that take too much time or want to find a way to fit in new tasks that you just don’t have time for, this option is for you.

Examples of Similar Automations

Here’s a list of some automations I’ve done in the past for this kind of automation. If anything looks interesting to you, reach out and I can set you up with something similar and customized for your needs.

Automatic Organization and Planning

There are a lot of really cool tools that you can use to organize your home and life. I can help you find and set up tools that make your life easier. One of the most compelling reasons to do this is that we can then use these tools to automate things that would otherwise be impossible. For example, creating shopping lists when you are running low on items in the pantry, sending you messages when your milk is about to expire, or planning out your meals every week for you.

One thing to be aware of is that often, with this category of automation, you’ll need to put in some work to get the most out of it. I’ll always be honest with you about any requirements these solutions would have from you and try to minimize them as much as possible.

Case Study

By using a really cool and free recipe manager, I’m able to do some very fancy things to take care of planning meals for the week. I can set it up to automatically create a meal plan for you based on some rules that we could create together. Here’s some examples of some of the things that you could customize with this:

  • How often (and when) it runs. Every day, week, month, etc. I’ve got ours running every Friday.
  • How many meals it plans every time it runs.
  • What categories of meals it plans (I’ve got it planning dinners, deserts, and fancy drinks for us, for example).
  • It can take into account the ratings you give you meals. Our is set to give us one four star meal a week and one unrated one per week, for example.
  • How often a meal can be repeated (we set ours to avoid repeating recipes for a month)

If you like organizing recipes and are willing to put in a bit of work to maintain your collection, there are some even cooler things you can do:

  • Make sure that recipes planned for the week have overlapping ingredients (or no overlapping ingredients if you want).
  • Make sure that you have a different type of cuisine every night (or the same type of cuisine every day if you prefer).
  • Plan out the usage of your dishes and appliances so that you can procrastinate on doing dishes more effectively (or so you can know to get certain appliances out of storage for a week and be safe knowing you won’t need them for longer)
  • Look at your calendar or todo list, automatically decide if you’re going to have a busy week, and plan meals that will fit into your schedule and won’t take too much of the free time you have left.

Book Now

If any of these options seemed interesting to you, book a free consultation to get your own version tailored to your needs. You can also check out my page on the pricing and process if you need more information, or check out my business automations if you think something aimed towards your work life might suit you better.