Miscellaneous Services

What Is It?

There are small things that I can offer that don’t warrant deep explanation or extended time talking about them. If you feel like there’s something I should offer that I don’t list here, contact me and let me know. Here are the smaller options that I offer:

Bug squashing service

You can hire me for $20 per month to ensure that your automations stay error free. While I’ll do my best to get them working flawlessly from the beginning, due to the way that technology is always changing, bugs can creep up over time that need addressed. I will always fix bugs that are explicitly my fault for free (such as me changing the software that I use and it causing your automation to break).

Hosting service

I will host your automations for you on a shared server for $5 per month. Data will be kept separated from other customers and no one else will have access to your automations and data (other than me, since I manage it). I encrypt sensitive data whenever possible, but this option is probably not suitable for anyone with specific privacy concerns like medical institutions. If this is a concern for you, we could set you up with your own private server or I could install your automations on your own computer (the cost of these options will depend on your exact situation).

Minor code changes

If you use one of my automations for a while and decide that you want to make a small change to how it works that the settings I built in don’t cover, you can hire me at a reduced rate to implement the change. Price is variable depending on the complexity of the change you want, but will start from $50.